thermal underwear...
is a must in the wilds of Ohio! especially when there is no heat in the van. we've seen this before. January 2004, for some strange reason, we did a tour out to NYC in the dead of winter. our heater went out halfway through Indiana and we had to drive all the way to Pittsburgh with no heat. I was already down with the flu, and my wisdon teeth had just decided to start popping out of my gums. made for a miserable few days. but I guess thats a relatively small price to pay for obtaining all that wisdom. definatley worth it. pain is what you make it, like anything else.
So yeah, can't really complain about this one. the van is in the shop, and we are nice and cozy here at Mark's cabin.
We have learned our lesson and will be touring the SOUTHERN half of the state starting January 2006. we'll be hitting both coasts and everything in between. ya ya ayyy!!
"have you ever got the feeling, man... you've been led along" I sometimes get a feeling that none of this war hungry craziness can be stopped. a hopelessness that maybe we did let them go too far. how did we let things get this bad? are we really that ignorant? come on humans, get with it. it's even begun to effect my interaction with some of my family. I guess I've just had enough of our indifference and apathy as "Americans". I am tired of this no culture, plastic ass, Wal Mart owned, race car drivin' country. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and moved to Odell, Il when I was 12. Being integrated into that small town life at a junior high age was tough. My parents became god fearing christians and I became aware that I was in for a long ride to adult hood. Go to Pontiac Il sometime. its a perfect shining example of the white man's utopia. I think there were like... two black famalies in town. It was like the whole place ooozed of good ol' american heartland schlock. and here I was, stuck for 6 years in this conservative haven. My parents stopped talking about college after they helped my older sister get through financially. they couldn't afford to send all five of us to college. instead, I started hearing about the army, and how I could travel, and "become a man", and then have my college paid for afterwards. but I knew what a guy like me would end up doing...diggin ditches in the desert doesn't sound appealing at any age. oh yeah, and just how may 18 year old human beings relish the thought of being mentally and physically dominated for 4 of the best years of their lives?? I'd had enough of my drill seargant at home. subjecting myself to another testosterone tyrant at will was not probable at that point. I would have made a terrible soldier. i can't stand being ordered around...i can't stand "herd" mentality. my dad used to call my brother and i "meatheads" all the time...yet he takes advice and forms his political views off of one of the biggest "meatheads" our sad excuse for a media has produced...Rush Limbaugh. Being home for the recent holiday, in which we celebrate the diplomacy and compassion of those beloved Pilgrim's as they tamed the savage beasts, and hearing that blowhard on my dad's radio was a scary thing. nothing new though. I guess I just thought maybe he'd have gotten it by now. parents just don't understand. mine don't anyway.
well now it looks like there is more ways than one to pimp out our working class. its sad how easily people can be bought. mercenaries of a new kind. extreme truck driving...fuckin' a. all for some gas in the tank. I'm a big fan of this print/online publication
oh yeah, Morrocco is my new favorite country. followed closely and likely to be outdone in the near future by Spain (my alltime favorite country) Poland has let me down. let's tour Spain guys.
So yeah, can't really complain about this one. the van is in the shop, and we are nice and cozy here at Mark's cabin.
We have learned our lesson and will be touring the SOUTHERN half of the state starting January 2006. we'll be hitting both coasts and everything in between. ya ya ayyy!!
"have you ever got the feeling, man... you've been led along" I sometimes get a feeling that none of this war hungry craziness can be stopped. a hopelessness that maybe we did let them go too far. how did we let things get this bad? are we really that ignorant? come on humans, get with it. it's even begun to effect my interaction with some of my family. I guess I've just had enough of our indifference and apathy as "Americans". I am tired of this no culture, plastic ass, Wal Mart owned, race car drivin' country. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and moved to Odell, Il when I was 12. Being integrated into that small town life at a junior high age was tough. My parents became god fearing christians and I became aware that I was in for a long ride to adult hood. Go to Pontiac Il sometime. its a perfect shining example of the white man's utopia. I think there were like... two black famalies in town. It was like the whole place ooozed of good ol' american heartland schlock. and here I was, stuck for 6 years in this conservative haven. My parents stopped talking about college after they helped my older sister get through financially. they couldn't afford to send all five of us to college. instead, I started hearing about the army, and how I could travel, and "become a man", and then have my college paid for afterwards. but I knew what a guy like me would end up doing...diggin ditches in the desert doesn't sound appealing at any age. oh yeah, and just how may 18 year old human beings relish the thought of being mentally and physically dominated for 4 of the best years of their lives?? I'd had enough of my drill seargant at home. subjecting myself to another testosterone tyrant at will was not probable at that point. I would have made a terrible soldier. i can't stand being ordered around...i can't stand "herd" mentality. my dad used to call my brother and i "meatheads" all the time...yet he takes advice and forms his political views off of one of the biggest "meatheads" our sad excuse for a media has produced...Rush Limbaugh. Being home for the recent holiday, in which we celebrate the diplomacy and compassion of those beloved Pilgrim's as they tamed the savage beasts, and hearing that blowhard on my dad's radio was a scary thing. nothing new though. I guess I just thought maybe he'd have gotten it by now. parents just don't understand. mine don't anyway.
well now it looks like there is more ways than one to pimp out our working class. its sad how easily people can be bought. mercenaries of a new kind. extreme truck driving...fuckin' a. all for some gas in the tank. I'm a big fan of this print/online publication
oh yeah, Morrocco is my new favorite country. followed closely and likely to be outdone in the near future by Spain (my alltime favorite country) Poland has let me down. let's tour Spain guys.