Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Take back whats ours

Polish folks taking back what was theirs in the early 1980's ... Solidarity Now~

Here's an idea. Let's all get together and make right what we all know (or should know) has been taken from us and been made all wrong... our government. We are the people, no? Then why have we let thieves take our economy, our national securtiy, our well being and health and trample them over, throwing these hard fought for and well earned rights to the wolves for the massive profit of very few "Americans". Neo-cons and Neo-liberals are not Americans. They have no country, they have no people, they are alone and isolated on top of heaps of blood drenched, worthless US dollars. Let's all stand up and take back what is ours, our country. Have a happy 4th fellow patriots.



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